I also believed that I was a genius, because I bought my Windex in the massive gallon-sized jug from Sam's Club. I thought, "Man! I am saving so much money this way. Look at all those suckers, paying for new bottles when they could just be refilling the old ones."
*sigh* How naive I was...
Not only was I still throwing away money on a chemical cleaner, but I was also wasting money (and trees) with my rolls of paper towels. Now, I make my own all-purpose cleaner, and rather than go through roll after roll of paper towels, I use (and reuse) cheap rags from the dollar store. This way, rather than spend roughly $2 per bottle of cleaner, I spend about $0.10.
Here's what you need:
an empty spray bottle (you can get one almost anywhere for $1)
cheap dish soap, I use Ajax
an old rag
Pour into your bottle roughly 1 tbsp dish soap and 1/4 cup vinegar - white or apple cider work equally as well, but white is cheaper. Then fill the rest of the bottle with warm water. Shake to mix.
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