Nothing quit spoils a good day like realizing that I'm going to have to scrub a pot or pan. Prior to my enlightenment, a caked on mess meant I had to fill the sink with soapy hot water, let the pot/pan soak for an hour and then get to scrubbing. While it was good for my arm muscles, it was bad for my stress level.
Then, I discovered a tip that eliminated post-clean up stress from my life for good!
Are you ready for this?
To easily remove stuck on gunk from a pot or pan, simply squeeze in a little dish soap, fill the dish to the "gunk line" with hot water, set the pot or pan on the stove and bring the water to a boil. As soon as the water starts to boil, remove the dish from the heat (it will boil over if left on too long) and dump out the soapy water. Then wash like normal. The mess will wipe right out! No fuss, no scrubbing, no stress.
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